
Project Description: Is Social Networking Good or Bad?

Social Networking is a common way of communication among internet users. People can talk and share their experience with others throgh different social network providers such as Facebook and MySpace. The issue is wheather it is good or bad. With the functionality of these websites, internet users can easily post everything that is relevent to them at anytime. Also, better than sending emails, users can talk with their friends in different continents. However, are these convenience enough to make social networking become a positive way of communication? The answer is definitely not. As we go deeper in this topic, in comparison to face-to-face communication, we should have a better judgment of Social Networking.

1 条评论:

  1. First of all, I see your blog is in Chinese except this post. I don't know if it is just me seeing that way. Your topic would be interesting. It is hard to put social networking to a either bad or good category because it has both pros and cons. Social networking websites have made our lives easier and convenient, but at the same time, less face-to-face communication leads people to have a poor communication skill on physical interaction that used to be a very important element in our lives and society.
